What is wrong with shooting on train tracks?

We are well into 2020 and it is already time for another near miss story about a photographer taking photos of a family on an active train track. diyphotography.net is reporting today on a story that has become all too familiar. We in the photography community need to do out part to spread the word about rail safety. Readers of […]

Exploring the toxicity of internet photography forums

Exploring the toxicity of internet photography forums Earlier this month, I posted a teaser on several internet photography forums for an upcoming comparison I am working on between the Profoto B10 and Godox AD200 strobes. I left the following post up for a little over 24 hours so I could gauge the overall reaction in what has increasingly become a […]

Profoto B10 vs. Godox AD200

For my photo tutorial this week I thought I might do something a bit different and ask for your input. There’s been some debate recently about “light is light” and there’s no difference between a Profoto strobe and a Godox strobe other than price (and build quality). I thought it might be fun to put the Profoto B10 (~250 watts) […]

Who owns the copyright of a photo once It has been edited?

Earlier this week I saw a question on a photography forum inquiring whether the person who edits a photo owns the copyright of that image. The short answer to this question is no, so, Who owns the copyright of a photo once It has been edited? The copyright of an image remains with the original photographer regardless of the number […]

I’m ready for a full frame camera! or am I?

You have been shooting for a while, but you feel like purchasing a full frame camera will catapult your work from amateur status to pro. Are you ready for a full frame camera? What are the benefits of taking the plunge to purchase that super sweet new gear? Let’s talk about it… Starting out Most photographers these days start out […]

Understanding flash duration

Freezing motion when working in the studio can be a bit confusing. Generally (say when we shoot sports) we rely on our shutter speed to freeze action. Understanding how flash duration freezes motion can clear up some misconceptions about relying on shutter speed to freeze motion. Mark Wallace does a great job explaining how older flash technology can have a […]

A year with the Profoto B10

I have been using the Profoto B10 (not the plus version) as my go-to location strobe for a little over a year now. In my studio work I primarily use the 500-watt version of the Profoto D2 series of strobes, but these are wired strobes and location work often does not include access to a power outlet. I am also […]

2019 Recap

As 2019 draws to a close, I’d like to take some time to reflect on one of the most productive years I have had in terms of photography. I stayed on track creating photo tutorial content and started a whole new body of work, which will be announced after the new year. Somewhere in all that I found time to […]

My images are always blurry! what am I doing wrong?

Cameras, especially DSLRs can be confusing when you are just getting started in photography. Many tell me that an iPhone can snap a decent image regardless of where you take it, why can’t an expensive DSLR do the same? Think about cameras like a musical instrument, and a camera phone like a radio, both will play music – one you […]

Calibrate your monitor using DisplayCal

Calibrating your monitor is one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve your image quality. While you can’t control the way an image looks once it gets to your clients or viewers, you can control how it looks when you are editing it. There are several choices available for monitor calibration, I personally use the Datacolor Spyder X. […]

My experience with iDrive cloud backup service

Regular readers of my blog know that I don’t use my audience to go after companies online, I will on occasion however voice my opinion with a company whether positive or negative. The story of my experience with iDrive cloud backup service recently deserves to be told, especially considering this company is currently conducting a large marketing push on nationally […]

20 things you might not know about me

I have had many requests to complete the “20 things you might not know about me” challenge, so here we go… Completing this was a bit tougher than I expected, but I had a lot of fun writing this. I’m married and have twin boys I married my high-school sweetheart in 1992, she is my soulmate and I don’t think […]

The best camera settings for any shooting scenario explained.

Are you new to photography? Are you looking for the best camera settings to capture a concert, or family gathering? Are you terrified of manual mode but know that mastering manual mode is the only way to be seen as a professional photographer? Let’s talk about it… This topic is perhaps one of the most controversial in photography right now. […]

Are you copyrighted by putting a (C) watermark on your photo?

Disclaimer: First, let me make it absolutely clear that I am not a lawyer, and you should not consider this article as legal advice. These are the common-sense guidelines I personally follow for my work as a photographer when sharing on social media. I have been sharing my photographic work on social media for over a decade, and I have […]

What is wrong with shooting on train tracks?

As a photography educator, I am often asked to review and comment on the portfolios of aspiring photographers. I have noticed a concerning trend emerging in recent years – train track photography. Hundreds of people are killed each year in train track related incidents, and it has become all too common for photographers both pro and amateur to offer train […]

Image censorship: time to rise up against Facebook?

In its early days, photographers worked extraordinarily hard to gain photography as a recognized and viable form of art. The argument against photography as art centered around the supposed ease of capturing an image compared to the exhausting work of painting a piece. I believe these arguments originate from a lack of understanding of the process involved in the activity. […]

The real difference between Profoto RFi and OCF modifiters

A few years ago, I upgraded my entire studio from my tried and true Photoflex strobes to the Profoto D2 line. I liked nearly everything about the Photoflex Starflash system, the recycle time, durability, color consistency and bowens mount. I used Pocketwizard triggers to fire the strobes and was very happy with the performance of the Pocketwizard triggers. I honed […]

Is Landscape photography worth the time?

Recently I exhibited a new body of work at one of the galleries in the Santa Fe Art District here in Denver Co. The opening nights are always my favorite because you can be a fly on the wall with the people looking at the displayed art. You can always count on hearing some interesting candid critiques of the work […]

Are critiques useful after the shoot?

I lurk (and participate) in a lot of internet forums on photography, and one recurring topic I see is that image critiques are not useful after the shoot has been done. This sentiment seems to be especially common from newer photographers. Let’s face it, the internet can be a terrible place, and no matter how good you are at something […]