TFP what is it – the ultimate guide

TFP stands for Time for Prints (sometimes also referred to as Trade for Prints or Time for portfolio). In the world of photography, TFP represents a collaborative arrangement between a photographer and a model. Here’s what it entails: Definition TFP involves a mutual exchange where the photographer agrees to provide the model with a specified number of selected photographs from […]

Watermarking your photos

A question I often get is how to protect your work as a photographer. Just like with everything, there are a million opinions, and most are uninformed or just flat out wrong. Perhaps the most common misconception about protecting your work is that if you say something is copyrighted, then you are safe if someone steals your work. Likewise, many […]

Grand Teton Reverses Controversial Plan to Require Portrait Photo Permits

Over a decade ago, the Federal Government outlined exactly the circumstances when a photographer would need to obtain a permit to shoot in a National Park. From the legislation: The Parks “shall not require a permit or assess a fee for still photography in a System unit if the photography takes place where members of the public are generally allowed,” […]

Are cheap photographers ruining the market?

Before we go further, I should present a warning that some opinions in this article may be triggering for many professional-level photographers. Today’s topic is: do cheap/budget photographers hurt the market as a whole? I know a ton of pro and non-pro photographers and I have spent many hours pondering and debating this question. Every market has them Whether you […]

The difference between a beauty dish and a softbox

Lighting modifiers can be very confusing. I’m often asked about the difference between the light dispersal pattern for a beauty dish and a softbox when shooting portraits. Other questions you might have are: should I buy a beauty dish? Or is there a difference between a fold up beauty dish and one of those hard to store solid units? and […]

Sony product advisory for some SD cards

Sony has released a product advisory for some of their SD cards where the data would be corrupted when being written by a camera or even worse not written at all. If you use Sony SD cards make sure to take some time to check the information below ato see if your cards are affected by this issue.  The notice—first […]

What is wrong with shooting on train tracks?

As a photography educator, I am often asked to review and comment on the portfolios of aspiring photographers. I have noticed a concerning trend emerging in recent years – train track photography. Hundreds of people are killed each year in train track related incidents, and it has become all too common for photographers both pro and amateur to offer train […]

Easy Film noir style images

This week we explore how objects between and around your flash affect your images. You may have heard of terms like cookie, flag and gobo when referring to lighting, what the heck are these things and will using them benefit your images? Lets talk about it… Cookies Cookies are an object which is placed in front of your light source […]

Getting an analog look in your photography without filters

It is #TuesdayTips time again, and this week we are talking about a cost effective way to get that analog or classic look in your photography without using filters. In 1982, the Holga toy camera was introduced in China as a low-cost way for working class families to record important events. The camera used black and white 120 film and […]