Neary Lagoon today.

Neary Lagoon f/11 @ 1/80th iso 100 According to the Santa Cruz City website, Neary Lagoon is an important part of the urban watershed for the west side of the city of Santa Cruz. A drainage area of approximately 850 acres empties into the lagoon, and from there, out to the ocean. Its a park with about a mile long […]

A cop out and a new idea…

Even though its a cool picture, it feels like a cop out sometimes when I can take a walk and see this sort of scene to take a picture of. It was chilly yesterday; the tourists were out in full force…  All bundled up and surprised that it could be “this cold” at the beach heh. I saw one family […]

Do your images stand on their own?

I’m enrolled in an art history class this semester and its focused photography. I feel that seeing what others has done can not only inspire you for more creative images but give you an appreciation for the level of difficulty photographers went through for their art back in the day. I have paid my dues and spent my time in a photo lab, I started […]

I got excuses…

It was windy…it was cold, too cold to hold the camera still.. it was cloudy…the road noise was distracting me… heh yeah well none of these really work, I just got a bad shot. I knew full well when I started this whole 1 shot on the walk thing that there would be bad days and I guess today was […]

Level 2 difficulty shot…

Continuing with the one shot on a walk theme for myself, I wandered down west cliff drive here in Santa Cruz before the rain this week. Always wanting to add more difficulty to a situation, I chose to not only take just one photo this time., but also take that shot with a fixed focus lens.  Rather than have the zoom […]

The right thing to do…or my two rules

I spent last week in Oregon at a funeral for a family member.  This got me thinking about two things that I have alwys avoided as a photographer, though until now I had not really considered them as a personal rule. The first is pretty easy, I don’t take pictures of people when they are eating.  While I understand why people do […]

I feel better about this one.

After yesterdays disaster I had to go out again today with the one picture theme in mind. I feel a lot better about this one. The problem is that the landscapes that I usually shoot are all in winter foliage mode and its all browns and more browns. That coupled with the unusually warm nice weather we are having here […]

I only get one shot?

I have read  in many places that a fantastic photography excersize is going someplace and only taking one shot. It really makes you think before you take that shot. Yesterday I decided to give it a try and went to Natural Bridges. To add a second level of difficulty  I decided to go at 1 in the afternoon, not quite […]