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While my current focus is my Landscapes of the Body project, I do have other series which I am always working on. I have always loved Landscapes photography, and I think this affinity for the rolling hills and natural beauty is a big part of the inspiration for the Landscapes of the Body. When I lived in Santa Cruz Ca. I would go two or three times a week and photograph the beach near my home. These images are timeless, and can be shown almost anywhere. I last showed this work back in 2015 in Capitola Ca. Most recently, I was invited to exhibition the series at The Brunner House in Broomfield Co.
The beach is a beautiful place, but for this exhibition, I wanted to not only revisit my content in the series, but also reprint the entire collection so I could leverage the new techniques I have learned since I printed it the first time. A series of images need to be related in some way, whether by color scheme, subject matter or photographic technique. Rather than taking the easy way out and going with the “all of these photos are of the beach” I decided to select each image for the exhibition so that a different technique was used for each photo. Some were right out of the camera, – no editing, while others were High Dynamic Range (HDR) and still others used long exposure techniques and light painting. This gave the set of images a common theme, but also a varied look, thereby reducing viewer fatigue. When presented with a large series of similar photos, it is easy for viewers to pass up an image because it is just another pretty photo. By implementing different techniques in the series, the viewers tended to spend more time on an image often inquiring about the technique used to create the photo.
My projects are all different enough that if someone is looking to show some work I can offer a few different types of exhibitions depending on the audience in the venue.