What is wrong with shooting on train tracks?

As a photography educator, I am often asked to review and comment on the portfolios of aspiring photographers. I have noticed a concerning trend emerging in recent years – train track photography. Hundreds of people are killed each year in train track related incidents, and it has become all too common for photographers both pro and amateur to offer train […]

Image censorship: time to rise up against Facebook?

In its early days, photographers worked extraordinarily hard to gain photography as a recognized and viable form of art. The argument against photography as art centered around the supposed ease of capturing an image compared to the exhausting work of painting a piece. I believe these arguments originate from a lack of understanding of the process involved in the activity. […]

The real difference between Profoto RFi and OCF modifiters

A few years ago, I upgraded my entire studio from my tried and true Photoflex strobes to the Profoto D2 line. I liked nearly everything about the Photoflex Starflash system, the recycle time, durability, color consistency and bowens mount. I used Pocketwizard triggers to fire the strobes and was very happy with the performance of the Pocketwizard triggers. I honed […]